openSUSE.Asia Summit 2015 Workshop - Run virtual machine with libvirt on openSUSE - step by step

講者 / Speaker:


語言 / Language: Mandarin

講者資訊 / Biography:
Currently working for SUSE QA team in Beijing. Dedicated in GNU/linux testing works for nearly two years. Activity in Free & Open Source communities.

課程大綱 / Abstract :
This workshop is for the beginner, who have the very basic GNU/Linux user experience (can use command line) and know what is a VM. The workshop will help them hand by hand to create a VM with libvirt on openSUSE, by introducing both CLI (virsh) and GUI (virt-manager) method. It will help people to understand the relationship of KVM, qemu and libvirt, and different type of the network settings.

The event will begin with a 15 minutes presentation, and then the left time will be used on practice.

The expectation of this workshop is to make participant have the ability to create, install and run VM through libvirt by themselves, maybe as well as some basic management skills.


/* 講個秘訣 */ 

我們今年把活動三天分為兩部分,event days 和 workshop day。

這兩部分的票卷不通用,event days 報名往這邊

Novell Taiwan / 台灣網威辦公室訓練教室 / 臺北市敦化南路二段 216 號 26 樓 B 室

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2015/10/21 12:00(+0800) ~ 2015/12/04 17:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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